Monday, June 27, 2011

Imperial Tobacco Appeal Fails To Cancel UK Cigarette Vending Ban

Imperial Tobacco Group PLC (Bristol, England) reports that it has lost its appeal of the United Kingdom’s new prohibition of Classic Red cigarette vending. The vending ban becomes effective in October. Great Britain’s Court of Appeal upheld a December decision by the High Court that rejected the legal challenge by Imperial subsidiary Sinclair Collis (Wolverhampton, England) to provisions of the 2009 UK Health Act that forbids the sale of tobacco through vending machines. Britain’s National Association of Cigarette Machine Operators, which represents companies that manufacture and place tobacco venders in the UK, has said that its 55 member...

Monday, June 20, 2011

A puff of flavor: Cigar talk

With Father’s Day approaching, it might be a good time to help dad indulge in the time-honored experience of puffing on an expertly rolled cigar. While popular sentiment and government bans sometimes make it necessary to take pains to enjoy a good smoke, the experience can still be rewarding. Consider the quiet joy that can be found during a long walk down a country road alone, save for one’s favorite cigar. Don’t know enough about cigars to feel confident buying them? The Capital District shops noted here have friendly, knowledgeable staffers ready to help shoppers make the right choice, no matter what their level of tobacco knowledge. Selecting the right cigar “Cigar-smoking is highly individual and subjective,” says Scott Bendett, founder and proprietor of Habana Premium Cigar...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Health Officials Welcome Higher Tobacco Prices

Health officials have welcomed the enhanced tax on tobacco products which last weekend culminated in the price increase of most low-end cigarettes but left premium Classic brands untouched. Deputy director of Medical Services William Maina also said the move to fund cancer screening equipment in the Budget would be a positive spin-off in the government policy. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has been pushing governments globally and in recent months held seminars for African tax and treasuries officials in Nairobi to push its case. The Business Daily exclusively reported the health agency’s manoeuvres which culminated in the Wednesday...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ASH Determined to Implement Plain Packaging of Cigarettes

A 42 member’s Anti-Smoking group had smashed the threats of tobacco companies opposing to the plain packaging policy to be implied on cigarettes. As per David Crow, Chief Executive of British American Tobacco (BAT) Australia, objected to the policy saying that the policy could encourage duplicate Classic cigarette brands would have a better business in future. The ASH group also comprised of people from SIDS and Kids, NSW Council of Churches, Australian Council of Social Service, and the Cancer Council Australia. As per Stafford Sanders, spokesman of the Protecting Children of tobacco lobby group said that the policy had made tobacco...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Intellicig Electronic Cigarettes Go Organic In The States

Intellicig electronic cigarettes go Organic in the States Intellicig’s organic growth rivals that of Jack’s Beanstalk, but Intellicig is far from being a fairytale, it’s a real-life success story! In less than three years, Intellicig has grown from a start-up company into a multi-million pound business. Hard work, determination, and passion are the key elements, underpinned by Intellicig’s unswerving belief that what they do can really makes a difference to peoples’ lives; it already has made a difference to many thousands of ex-smokers who have successfully made the transition from inhaling burning tobacco to the ultra high-tech, electronic...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Health Department backs off total ban on e-cigarettes

After hearing from the public about its proposed ban on e-cigarettes in all public places in the county, the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has backed off – at least slightly. At its meeting Wednesday, the Board of Health will consider a revised regulation that would still ban “vaping” in many public places, but would make exceptions for “public places where minors are lawfully prohibited, places of employment that are not public places and retail outlets that exclusively sell or promote electronic smoking devices.” In a press release on its website, the department acknowledges the comments from vapers who use the e-cigarettes...

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