Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Phone Text messages Used as Smoking Cessation tool

Text messages could become a vital smoking cessation tool, research carried out by multiple US universities has indicated. Because cell phones are now such a regular feature of our everyday lives –and because many people possess phone deals that give them unlimited text messaging – the researchers argue that text messages can be used as a cheap and convenient method of amassing data about Doina smoking habits.They say that by encouraging smokers to send a few texts each day which detail their smoking behaviours, health experts can help to monitor and assess the frequency of patients’ cigarette smoking sessions. When asked how many cigarettes...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Smoking Laws Regulate Tobacco Sales

By-laws which could regulate the sale of Lucky Strike cigarettes in shops near schools, ban smoking in some indoor areas and decide which shisha cafes are licensed, are to be voted on by the Health Council early next month. The laws, which should have come into effect by the end of last year, will clarify the enforcement of federal anti-tobacco law No 15, issued in early 2009 by Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed, President of the UAE. Dr. Wedad al Maidoor, the head of the National Tobacco Control Committee, said the by-laws were pending official approval because further steps had to be taken before smoking bans take effect in coming months. The...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Philip Morris set grow market share in Armenia tobacco market

Last year Armenian government approved several regulations to control local tobacco market and major tobacco companies. Regional senior manager of Philip Morris International, the leading tobacco group in Armenia, Sargis Tsaghikyan stated that the tobacco giant is set to show another great performance capturing more market share in 2011. Mr. Tsaghikyan said that Philip Morris Armenia offers solid and balanced brand portfolio in the local market, and is presented in all price categories, keeping in touch with all adult costumers’ needs. This makes the company believe that its business performance will be successful and the market share...

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Candy Flavored Tobacco Products become popular among Teens

OLYMPIA ¾ More Washington students are making healthier choices by avoiding alcohol according to a recent survey of kids in our teensmokingstate. But declines in cigarette smoking continue to stall and an increase in new candy-flavored tobacco products is a growing concern.The Healthy Youth Survey is anonymous and voluntary; it’s taken every two years by thousands of Washington students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12 in more than 1,000 public schools. It focuses on attitudes and health risk behaviors. Topics include drug, alcohol, and tobacco use; gangs; physical activity; suicide; bullying; and more. For the first time, the survey also asked about...

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